Saturday, September 17, 2011

A miracle.

Classes have begun and I'm loking forward to hear more from each of these men. In Evangelical Theology the other day Dr. McKeown was talking about miracles and he told a story that is the largest thing I remember from that class period, although it was rely only detour from the main point.
There once was an alcoholic who decided to follow the Lord. He meant this with all his heart and so broke his addiction and any other foul practice in pursuit of his newfound faith. One day he was with his old friends and they began to mock his decision. "You really believe that stuff? Even these miracles this Jesus man did? Tell us, have you seen any water turned to wine lately?" The man looked at his friends and replied quite firmly, "No, I have not seen Jesus turn water into wine. But I can tell you that at my house, Jesus has turned wine into furniture."
This is such a profound way to view miracles, those little things (and big ones) that I dismiss as good decisions or good luck or whatever. I do not give the Lord enough credit for his workings. Anything He produces in me or because of me is indeed a miracle.